Unit 3 Assignment One

Types of Research

Quantitative Research- Quantitive Research is a research technique that relies more on the amount of answers given rather than the detail and explanation of the response. For example if the BBC asked if its viewers partook in binge watching yes/no answers would be used by millions reflecting a quantitative research type however the issue with these types of surveys is that further information cant be provided.

Qualitative Research- This technique relies on the substance and explanation provided by those asked rather than the amount of people asked. The details provided alongside the answers allow a more thorough investigation and provides reasoning behind answers which aide in understanding the subjects asked.

Methods and Sources of Research 

Secondary Research- Secondary Research is research obtained by a third party therefore not carried about by yourself. Secondary research can be helpful in supporting your ideas and theories, the substance is less credible as it wasn't carried out by you specifically and therefore loses some of the respect and credibility that would be available if primary research was carried out. An example of secondary research is crediting sources coming from books, the internet or government statistics.

Primary Research- This is a form of research that is specifically carried out and discovered by you. This is a better form of research than secondary as you can ask extremely specific questions others haven't and the work is more respected in a professional setting because of how credible the source is.
Data Gathering Agencies

Data Gathering Agencies- DGA's have the ownership over self-produced/discovered research. Companies such as Broadcasters' Audience Research Board and Radio Joint Audience Research Ltd own video, audio or photographic records of events.

Purpose of Research 

Audience Research- Audience research is carried out trying to find out more about your target audience, this form of research finds out about your audiences attitude, interests, behaviour etc. This research technique revolves around becoming aware and understanding your target audience and what they find desirable.

Market Research- Market Research is about finding out more about the competition, discovering more about product market, the effects of advertising and what competition there is. By discovering the positive and negative things about the products going against your own can be extremely beneficial in discovering what compliments their field of expertise.

Production Research

Production Research- This form of research helps you discover what it takes to make/distribute your product. The product market, competition, competitor analysis, the effects of advertisement, finance technological sources and location.

Working Methods- Working Methods are the other steps involved to carry out research that don't require researching this includes briefing tutors, research, individual work and production.

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