Unit Two Assignment Two

I was approached by Netflix to generate an idea for the next series in the Stranger Things franchise. After thoroughly researching the series and what the fans would appreciate being included, all while keeping an eye on the popular trends of today, helped me in developing a narrative for the next step for this franchise.
Although Stranger Things as a franchise has already acquired a unique narrative and aesthetic, I researched similar franchises in order to depict what made them enjoyable to see if they could be applied to this series as well in order to make it more enjoyable for its viewers.

The Walking Dead – The Walking Dead was first introduced in 2010 and has continued thriving as a series for the past six years with a loyal fan base tuning in every Wednesday consistently. The reason for The Walking Dead’s popularity originally stemmed from the uniqueness of the inclusion of zombies in a TV Show (rather than film) but the multi dimensional characters, interesting plot twists and nail-biting cliff-hangers have contributed massively to the prevalence of the show.  This can also be applied to the Stranger
Things sequel, by creating diverse and interesting characters we can ensure a loyal fan base will be secured and constantly active as they will become attached to franchise and devoted to its success.

Orange is the New Black- Orange is the New Black is another popular Netflix original show that is currently being renewed for a new season, a majority of its popularity stemming from the characters included that all have their own independent plot lines that fit in with the overall narrative of the series, allowing viewers to become emotionally invested in the show which will again help secure the shows presence.


The entirety of the season is a prequel revolving around investigating the other test subjects previously held in the same her escape which triggered the events of the first season. The season will focus on a younger eleven and ten other children of various ages growing up in the facility and discovering their own powers (similar to Elevens telekinesis) however as it was insinuated during the first season of stranger things that Eleven was the only test subject left, the potential of the other ten subjects having of met an untimely demise, became of no use or managed to find an escape has left fans demanding a spin off series covering this.

The first episode will begin with the introduction of the characters alongside their powers inside the Hawkins National Laboratory. A younger version of Martin Brenner staring stoically at them while the children cower under his gaze as the following scenes showcase the other superpowers that the test subjects can harness including teleportation, shape shifting and mind control. The overall narrative follows a majority of the test subjects attempting to harness their powers and use them to escape the facility and overpower “Papa” however individual plot points will be covered including parents attempting to find their kids, subjects dying, uncontrollable power and misplaced loyalty to “Papa”.


Other than the several characters already introduced, the season will include ten other test subjects (names One-Ten) along with several scientists and parents will be included as well. Where as the first season had a monster as its main villain, the prequel focuses on the horrifying acts committed by Martin Brenner while investigating their superhuman powers.The characters will be of varying ages and although the show will still heavily focus on mystery like the previous season, other issues will be made aware of and be featured throughout. An example of some of the more important characters are as follow;

Three- Three is the oldest of the eleven test subjects held in the Hawkins National Laboratory and is the prominent “Mother figure” to the other children there. At age 20 she has mastered Mind Control and is forced by “Papa” to use it on Russian spies in order to torture information from them for the government. On several occasions she is faced with morally questionable choices on how she uses her powers resulting in serious consequences for her and the other subjects.

One-  The youngest of the group has also been there the longest, the seven-year-old has obtained the power of invisibility and constantly uses it as means to escape the torture inflicted upon her by Dr Brenner as she has yet to fully master her power and is therefore not deemed important by Papa. Over the years of trauma One has acquired selective mutism, only engaging in conversation with the people she trusts unless forced by Dr Brenner with Three’s mind control.

Seven- Is the only boy in the facility and is able to shape shift, however the objects he transforms into still preserve his human flesh and bones making the transformations extremely painful and unhelpful to “Papa” resulting in the Doctor pushing him more and more to attempt human transformations, however agonising it may become.

Five- The origins of five has remained unknown by both the staff and students as Five isn’t aware of their origins either. Five has managed to master and perform teleportation resulting in them being treated in a more positive light by “Papa” than the other members of the facility. Through Dr Brenner’s favouritism, Five has generated a dislike towards the other characters, exploiting the elaborate plans they come up with to escape as well as One’s selective mutism to the staff of the facility.

 USP (Unique Selling Point)

The unique selling point of this season is similar to the original, focusing on nostalgia from setting the series in the 70/80’s which not only generates an enjoyable experience for the elder people watching the show, but also younger people as the time period is relatively close enough for them to comprehend some of the throwbacks featured. Another USP of the stranger things sequel is that it is a Netflix original and as 92% of Americans binge watch programmes through streaming services such as Netflix, http://fortune.com/2015/06/30/binge-viewing-study/ 10/01/17 the popularity and view count of the show is guaranteed to be high however those watching tend to forget about the

involved meaning the narrative of the show needs to memorable and needs to cause a connection between the show and audience.

Target Audience
The target audience is mainly towards the already established fan base from the previous seasons as well as other Netflix users however older generations who want to relive a previous memory revolving around the time its set may also find enjoyment in it along with horror/mystery lovers. Although the second season is intended to appeal to a niche audience many online streamers will pick up on the positive exposure and will proceed to investigate the first season, leading them to the sequel.

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