Unit 59 - Web Authoring - As1


Authoring - Authoring is defined as the creation of programs and databases for computer applications, meaning that it is the action of writing the document or software program (e.g the hypertext) which creates the website.

Sites - Sites are an interactive virtual source of information and enjoyment that are the holders of webpages, they are used to find webpages that will go more in depth with the information you're after.

Uploading - Uploading is the action of taking a file thats been created and transferring it from one place to the other using either a remote from the user or through a server.

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) - FTP is used as a way to transfer or exchange files from a server to a clients computer in a secure way.

Web Page 

A webpage is an in depth source of information that is also interactive, all websites are unique in sense of layout and practicality as the code used to make the websites is completely customisable. Web pages are constructed using html coding that commands the computer to create the webpage following the instructions presented in the code, if one line of code is wrong the web page wont work. All html codes start and end in the code <html> which signifies the beginning of the code the computer needs to follow, any other content for the web page needs to start and end with a command instructing the computer what you want it to do. For example adding a header to a website would need to start off with the code <head> followed by <title> </title> on either side of the name of the header before closing with </head>.


HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language and is used as a means of creating a website from scratch by anyone, XHTML combines HTML and XML and is an extension of the code already used in basic coding already.  HTML effects the aesthetic of the product you're creating, helping you add to the appearance with fonts, tables and other products that make your website stand out.

Cascading Style Sheet

HTML establishes what it is that you want to create while the CSS contains design of what they're supposed to look like. By using CSS you have control over the size, colour and all other design aspects but still remains an easy process to include. The CSS is divided into sections which aides users in finding the correct segment to alter in order to change the required part of the website. If the section doesn't exist in the HTML it will not make a change if edited in the CSS.

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