U72&74 - As1 - Narrative Planning

Narrative Story Planning

Task One

The location of my story will take place during medieval times, the main story revolving around  gigantic rustic castles and rundown medieval towns as well as surrounding murky fields and rundown Inns, however instead of using a bright colour palette the main colour scheme revolves around dark shades in order to create an ambience that reflects the theme and plot, the occasional splash of colour  will be used to help highlight specific scenes and to bring attention to specific objects or characters. 

Plot Type-
The plot type for this game is Overcoming the Monster as it revolves around the end goal of defeating all the mythical beings who have terrorised the other characters and destroyed other places in the game. The hero is also given specially manufactured weapons to help them on their journey and to aide them in defeating the creatures.

The main character of the game is a medieval knight who has been chosen specifically by the King to kill the mythical beings wrecking havoc on the other characters and the landscape in the game, the story follows their journey in becoming stronger until the final showdown.

Character Roles-
The protagonist of the game is whoever is playing it as they rescue and save the entirety of the human
race through sacrificing themselves and the antagonist of the game can be dictated by the player, whether they believe that the King ordering the death of countless creatures as evil or if they deem animals attacking innocent people as more wicked. There are several damsels in distress story arcs imbedded in the plot however not all are focused around females/princesses but some revolve around children, males and even the creatures themselves.

The journey is both physical and mental as the characters progression as a person leads to him challenging his previous beliefs associated with mythical beings also a physical journey as the hero travels and becomes a more stronger and powerful person.

Task Two

Basic Plot

This story follows a renowned knight, more commonly known as The Red Knight ,who is directed by the King to demolish all mythical creatures who have been petrifying the citizens inhabiting their country. Through out the knights journey, they learn more about the mythical world all while becoming stronger. Their conscience is challenged by what they previously believed, which leads the Knight to question the King, resulting in a false ending where the protagonist confronts the most powerful mythical creature only to return and challenge the king after learning more about them and what happened to her family.

Task Three

Character Profile 

Name: The protagonists full name is Thea Writingham, a common first and second name for a female alive during medieval times.

Alias: "The Red Knight", a well-known name associated with a fearless warrior by the citizens of the country.

Age: 25 years old, 20 years of training under and working for the King regardless of the task.

Height: 5"7

Sex: Female

Race: White British

Eye Colour: A piercing, light grey that almost makes it appear as if she's looking right into your soul.

Shape of Face: Slightly round, petite frame with a button nose however the contrast between her soft face and piercing gaze makes her all the more intimidating.

Dress: Silver armour with red detailing, highlighting her importance and making her easily identified

Mannerisms: She has a stoic expression and walks with perfect poise and is constantly on edge due to previous traumatic experiences

Hobbies:  As their life is devoted to being a respectable Knight they mainly dabble in sports that increase intellect and strength such as Archery and Dueling.

Favourite Sayings:  "You're either by my side, or in my way. Choose wisely."

Flaws: Hundreds of deep, intricate scars littering her face and body, an unfriendly reminder of her past struggles. Some old and some new, some almost creating complex transfixing designs when crossing paths with others.

Best Quality: Due to her tragic backstory featuring the betrayal and demise of her parents, loyalty is an important feature to her in both herself and others resulting in a hesitant approach to friendship but a long and loyal one once initiated.

Family Status:  All family members were killed after a mysterious attack on their home village,  resulting in the King welcoming her into his Knight Initiative programme. Her parents demise resulting in Theas determination to receive answers through any means necessary.

Goals:  To aide the King in his tasks so she can learn what happened to her family and avenge them

Does your character believe in a supreme being? If so, whom? A supreme being exists in this world. They are an omnipotent, mythical being who isn't supported by humans due to the Kings insistent declarations of mythical creatures being evil omens that plagues their world.  The being hasbeen banished by the kings ancestors, years ago and it's speculated whether or not they are still alive, however the King wont rest regardless until the Knight kills and completely destroys the creature and all like it as he is a threat to his power.

They are extremely introverted, however as the story progresses the character realises the benefits of welcoming others into their life, resulting in them leaning towards a more extroverted view on befriending others. The characters involvement in the story is vital as the plot development revolves around them and the games finale , when all the kings secrets are exposed, is triggered by her discovering the reason for her parents death. 

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