Unit 3 Assignment Three WIP


The storyboard for my game were initially sketched by hand on equal square segments on A3 paper before being scanned into a computer. The image was coloured using Adobe Photoshop, although multiple other cells were created this is the only panel that i edited as i spent a majority of my time focusing on the sketching immense detail on the original storyboard.

U59 Web Ass 3

Testing HTML Website

The first thing I did in order to view any faults in my website was to view the site report through
clicking the red cross in the bottom right hand of the screen. On my first web page the error that came up was in relation to BODY tags however after searching through my document for any unclosed tags as well as other "</BODY>" sections it became apparent that there was no visible cause or way to fix it. The webpage still ran the way I intended and the structure wasn't altered by the fault at all.

The second webpage initially started off with simple problems that could easily be fixed. The tag pairing was fixed instantly and the alt tag was fixed by including Alt="" in the description of the images however after fixing those problems another selection of problems popped up in their place. After fixing the alt problem on one particular image another problem arose regarding
the < > tags. I couldn't understand where the fault was in the html coding as it was the same as all of the previous images it also didn't cause any faults with the layout or appearance of the image. When the webpage was launched nothing appeared to be out of place at all and all the necessary content worked perfectly. I had a total of 18 links throughout my webpages, some interlocking the webpages and others leading to outside websites (such as TicketMaster and YouTube) that all worked and loaded quickly I also included an embedded video from Vimeo which played perfectly in multiple browsers.

The only difference I noticed while using different browsers was that the texts boldness would often change which I didn't believe was a dire fault and still kept within the aesthetic of the website regardless of the thickness. When on a smaller device screen the banner for the website doesn't appear in the centre which can be fixed by
adjusting the width to 100%.


The final product that I created shared only a few similar sections to my original designs as a majority was changed as my HTML skills progressed. My original intention to create a minimalist website that only took up one page automatically changed when starting to create content for it. The idea of fitting all of the necessary information on just a single page simply couldn't be done as the extensive list of performers and numerous maps were too much. Interlocking three separate pages that contained all vital information seemed like the more appropriate approach. I was originally going to opt for three different coloured pages but came to the conclusion that the colour scheme would be two overwhelming so decided to stick with the main theme of pink and blue.

My time management with this project could've been improved as I continuously went back to make changes to the appearance of my website when other features could've been altered in their place to make the website run more fluidly. For example I wish I had created a more fluid dropdown menu that related to the minimalistic aesthetic I had originally gone for for my webpage rather than the block square MENU icon I settled for. During the creative process i struggled to perfect the drop down menu throughout all of my designing as none seemed to reflect the idea I originally had.

I also created my own fixed navigation bar at the top of my website in order to aide in an enhanced experience for the user as it provides an easier way to navigate through the website. Creating the fixed navigation was an easy one to include however added to the over all theme of the webpage perfectly and managed to act as a tie in for all of the features.

U59 - Web Design - As2


 Creating a Gantt chart at the beginning of the project resulted in better time management for the individual sectors as it insured i didn't get distracted throughout as there were set deadlines. Software used outside of DreamWeaver to complete tasks included Photoshop and Illustrator.


Researching other websites before creating my own helped put me in the shoes of the client, noticing small details that either made the experience more difficult or more enjoyable. The minimalism in all three websites was something that I significantly enjoyed as user, finding the lack of bulky text more visually pleasing. I appreciated how a minimalist logo on the Feed website was positioned in the top left corner where it was out of the way but still easy to access.


The website I'm creating will respect the wishes of the client as  focus on a cultural festival was recuperated greatly. I believe that one thing that numerous cultures have in common is their love and appreciation for music which coincidently is a well-known means of bringing various people together. By inviting a multitude of artists from different countries and genres we inspire various people from diverse backgrounds to come together. The website will include the necessary categories that the client wants the main focus on (location and Culture) as well as other section which will describe the project in detail a provide ticket information. The webpage should be regularly updated with new news regarding performers as well as ticket availability.

The first design focuses on the idea of presenting all vital information on the first page. It includes what the webpage is about, whats going to happened where to purchase tickets. The inclusion of a block paragraph of text breaks up the inclusion of images but provides beneficial information that will aide website users.

The second design was created with the idea of minimalism in mind. The sections of the website only divided by multiple vibrant pictures and a small menu. In order to keep in with the minimalistic aesthetic the pictures change into text when hovered over so that users aren't completely overly intimidated by the amount of text they are faced with.

The final design relies on a parallax themed website. The information being available through a scroll that's completely controlled by the users allows them to move at their own pace which will aide in creating a more positive experience for them.

Unit 60 Assignment 3


The original designs for the Channel 4 apps were created by hand in order to gain a basic idea of what I wanted to include in the final design. The presence of the Channel 4 logo was a consistent attribute throughout the designing process as it not only provides the producers with the credit they deserve but will also act as a consistent and easy to find home button.

At the time of creating the designs i was unsure which data results i was going to include so mainly focused on what the physical illustration of the data would look like after going through the options on Illustrator. I had to simplify some of the designs after investigating my options as the time frame wouldn't allow it, the hope to include animation on all of the slides wasn't able to happen and the only animation included didn't run as smoothly as i wanted.

The original idea was to have a minimalistic approach to the layout, however during the actual making of the app, the white background made it appear more bland than i anticipated so decided back to alter the design and instead include a block colour that was subtle and un-intimidating in order to avoid it being too harsh on the users eyes.